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International summer school on materials for  energy storage and conversion(mESC School 2023)  is an integral part of  the symposium held with the same name ( International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage andConversion, mESC-IS 2023 ).   The summer school, will take place 13-16 July 2023 preceding   the symposium. 

The school  follows the structure of the earlier schools (mESC-School 2015 , mESC-School 2017, and mESC-School 2019 ) and aims to bring  new comers/early researchers with those experienced in the field. The school covers the state-of-the-art reviews in selected topics plus in depth coverage of materials and electrochemical characterization techniques.

 Tentative list of topics to be covered in the school is listed below. 

Material/Electrochemical Characterization

Burak Aktekin(Justus Liebig Univ. Giessen): In-situ and Operando Experiments in Battery Research
Çigdem Toparli 
(Middle East Technical University)Photoemission Spectroscopy  for Battery ResearchDamla Eroğlu Pala (Boğaziçi University): Machine Learning for Battery Research
Alexander Karl Opitz
(TU Wien): EIS for Solid Oxide Electrolysis/Fuel Cells  Research
Ramazan Yıldırım 
( Boğaziçi University):Machine Learning for Catalysis Research 
Burak Ulgut 
(Bilkent  University): Electrochemical impendence spectroscopy in  Battery  Research


M. Kadri Aydınol (METU): Advances in Li-ion Batteries
Selmiye AlkanGürsel 
( Sabancı University) Advances in PEM Fuel Cells.
Oleg Drozhnhin
( Moscow State University):  Synthesis of Active Mat. for Batteries &  Fuel Cells
Duncan Paul Fagg
(University of Aveiro):Solid State Proton Conductors: Mat., Appl. & Measurements
Mohamed Mamlouk 
(Newcastle University):Alkaline Electrolysers- an Overview
Bora Timurkutluk (Nigde OH University):Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 

Hands-on sessions/case studies  

Burak Ulgut (Bilkent  University): Electrochemical impendence spectroscopy in  battery  Research
Alexander Karl Opitz 
(TU Wien): Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in SOE/FC Research
Çigdem Toparli 
(Middle East Technical University):Photoemission Spectroscopy  for Battery Research


mESC-School 23  may also be followed at The web site is updated more frequently. You are ,therefore, strongly advised to check  at regular intervals